Our 3-Step Escape Plan

  • First Escape Route
  • Second Escape Route
  • Meeting Place

Use this space to note any additional information about your escape plan, i.e. who will assist

Your checklist
  • Get low

    Smoke is poisonous and more deadly than flames.

    If you breathe smoke for more than a few breaths it can kill you.

  • Be fast

    A house fire can kill you in less than three minutes.

    Don't spend time trying to save possessions.

  • Close doors

    A closed door buys you time.

    It slows down the spread of fire, giving you more time to get to safety.

  • Get out - stay out!

    People have died by going back into a fire.

    Don't leave the meeting place to go back inside for any reason.

Black Jack Road vegetation fire update #3

Crews continue to work on the Black Jack Road vegetation fire this afternoon.

Incident Controller, Shane Bromley, says while the fire is under control, it is not yet contained. It is hoped the fire will be contained by the end of today.

"While flames aren’t visible to the public, the fire is still smouldering. The western side of the fire is inaccessible to ground crews, so we still have three helicopters working on that side of the fire."

Crews this afternoon are focused on dampening down hotspots and the left-hand flank of the fire.

Black Jack Road is still closed with limited access under traffic management.

Shane Bromley would like to thank the public for allowing firefighters to work safely through following the traffic restrictions.